I'm not belittling the potential issues of a Coronavirus pandemic, but let's not lose sight of the common cold and the effects it can have on our lives. Owning a shop and working with the general public greatly increases the chance of catching something. We shake hands, hug, open and close doors and exchange money all day long, but before you start to panic, you are less likely to pick up more than you bargained for at
The Flower Shop
than almost anywhere else. We spend all day elbow deep in disinfectant and bleach. Flower is very susceptible to bacteria and unless buckets, vases and surfaces are kept scrupulously clean our precious stock can quickly be infected.
But believe it or not, I do venture out of the shop every now and again and it seems somewhere along the line I picked up a nasty cold.
The week started off badly when the shop's card machine caught a mystery virus, turned blue and suddenly died and I immediately went into panic mode. I tried banging it on the work bench, pulling out all the plugs, pressing all the buttons, screaming at it and calling John and screaming at him too. None of this worked.
Lisa, has learnt to say nothing and offer no advice when I 'go off on one' and continued making up the morning orders and answering the phone (doing a great job of explaining why we couldn't currently take phone payments, due to a slight technical error).
Eventually, I got through to a technician who got me to stand on my head, recite a nursery rhyme, count to ten and do a tap dance and hey presto, I managed to breathe life back into the magic box and normal service in the Flower Shop resumed.
I struggled through Monday and Tuesday, fighting hard to stave off the effects of my cold. In addition to the constant hand washing, I was coughing into my bosom (there's no chance of anything escaping alive from there)
and overdosing on cold remedies which unbeknown to me at the time I shouldn't have been mixing with some other medication. I lasted until Thursday morning, when I almost collapsed and John had to drag me home on one of the garden trollies.
Thank heavens for the Flower Shop Family, they were AMAZING!!!
I always struggle to take time off and never ever imagined being too ill to come into work, but I seriously couldn't stand. I couldn't even work from home, I tried doing flower orders and checking the VAT from my sick bed, but it was futile, I couldn't focus, due to the mix of medicines I was having weird hallucinations.
Back in the shop, things were running as clockwork. Lisa has an amazing ability to stay calm in a crisis and she soon had everything organised and Michelle stayed on to do extra deliveries. Lisa was due to leave in the afternoon to be replaced by our lovely new florist Cathie, who is the newest member of the Flower Shop Family, but she quickly rearranged her afternoon, leaving her children to fend for themselves (not really) just so she could stay in the shop and do what needed to be done.
I keep using the term 'family'
because that's just what it's like. Everyone stepped up and pulled together to keep business going and to keep customers happy. I kept well out of the way, in fear of passing my germs on and actually felt relaxed and reassured that I'd still have a business to come back to. Lisa, Becky, Alison, Cathie, Michelle, Amie, John and Phil you were all FANTASTIC!
If you are wondering where Annemarie and Rachel are. Rache is still on maternity leave and Annemarie broke her ankle while hiking in New Zealand and had to hobble across miles of uneven terrain to get help, so she's resting up at home, although both continue to provide mental support.
I have been recovering well over the last few days and I will be fighting fit, full of vigour and back in the shop tomorrow, preparing for MOTHER'S DAY
which if you don't know is on Sunday, March 22nd. We are already taking orders and have a limited number of delivery slots still available.
And the card machine is still working, so we can take contactless and over the phone payments!!!